Angelology Wiki

Raphael (UK: /ˈræfeɪəl/ RAF-ay-əl, US: /ˈræfiəl, ˈreɪf-/ RA(Y)F-ee-əl; "God has healed") is an archangel first mentioned in the Book of Tobit and in 1 Enoch, both estimated to date from between the 3rd and 2nd century BCE. In later Jewish tradition, he became identified as one of the three heavenly visitors entertained by Abraham at the Oak of Mamre. He is not named in either the New Testament or the Quran, but later Christian tradition identified him with healing and as the angel who stirred waters in the Pool of Bethesda in John 5:2–4, and in Islam, where his name is Israfil, he is understood to be the unnamed angel of Quran 6:73, standing eternally with a trumpet to his lips, ready to announce the Day of Judgment. In Gnostic tradition, Raphael is represented on the Ophite Diagram.


Angelic & Planetary Correspondences[]

  • Name of Planet under rulership: Mercury.
  • Symbol: See above.
  • Planet Names in Hebrew: KVKB
  • Hebrew Meaning: Meaning Star (masculine).
  • Teaching Angel: Raphael.
  • Also Known As: Israfil (Islamic).
  • Correct Pronunciation: Raf-A-EL.
  • Celestial Title: Messenger of the Gods
  • Tradition - Angel identified in: Jewish, Islamic and Christian Traditions.
  • Hebrew Name: Beit.
  • Hebrew Letter: Beth.
  • Egyptian Name: Thoth.
  • Station: Archangel and Teaching Angel
  • Ruler of: The Third Heaven - Raquia.
  • Guardian Angel of Planet: Not identified.
  • Greek/Roman God of Planet: Hermes/Mercury.
  • Metal: Quicksilver, Aluminum.
  • Day: Wednesday.
  • Hours of Day (Wednesday) Ruled: 1st and 8th hours of the day. 3rd and 10th hours of the night.
  • Month Ruled: Not identified.
  • Cycle of Results: 7 Days
  • Orbit: Fast.
  • Fixed Stars (Gemini): Aldebaren, Rigel, Bellatrix, Capella and Polaris.
  • Fixed Star (Virgo): Spica.
  • Days to Avoid working with Archangel Raphael: None. May work with Archangel Raphael in all days.
  • Crystals emerald aventurine and jade
  • Ritual Candle Color: Yellow.
  • Planetary Color: Yellow.
  • Harran / Hermetics Color: Sky Blue and Gold.
  • Complimentary Color: Blue.
  • Color of the Pentacles of Mercury: Yellow.
  • Astral Color's - Gemini: Red and Blue.
  • Astral Color's - Virgo: Gold and Black.
  • Symbol: Eight Pointed Star.
  • Tarot Card: The Magus (I) (Juggler I).
  • Planetary Numbers: 1, 6, 13
  • Talisman Size/Sides: 8.
  • Numbers of Mercury: 8, 64, 260, 2080 .
  • Musical Note: E.
  • Direction Ruled: North and East.
  • Degree: Not identified.
  • Angelic Thought-form: Lemon Fruit.
  • Fruit: Lemon.
  • Tree: Almond, Ash, Aspen, Bottle Brush, Hazel, Larch, Mulberry, Rowan, Silver Birch and Juniper.
  • Flowers/Herbs: Carrot, Celery, Caraway, Cinquefoil, Dill, Fennel, Fenugreek, Fern, Lavender, Marjoram,Mandrake, Maidenhair Fern, Lilly of the Valley, Palm and Vervain.
  • Insect: Non-Stinging Flies.
  • Animals: Monkeys, All Birds especially the Ibis.
  • Anatomy Governed: Left Arm. Brain & Nervous System and Respiratory System.
  • River Ruled: Northern and Eastern.
  • Guardian Angel: Benei Elohim
  • Numbers of Mercury:
  • Greek/Roman God: Hermes, Mercury.
  • Planetary Spirit: Taphthartharath
  • Planetary Intelligence: Tiriel.
  • Olympic Spirit: Ophiel.
  • Letter Composition: Black Ink - Green Paper.
  • Magical Script: Any (As the Angel of Communication)
  • Planetary Spirit: Tiriel.
  • Planetary Intelligence: Not identified.
  • Olympic Spirit: Not identified
  • Demon of the Day: Taphthartharath.


Biokinesis: Can manipulate the anatomy of any being, even converting a mortal man into a high-ranking angel.

Conversion: Can turn one object into another.

Disintegration: Can cause lower beings to explode or molecularly disintegrate objects.

Divine Power: Can induce miracles, perform Enochian Magic, and resurrect himself.

Energy Manipulation: Can manipulate angelic energy and create energy from his fingertips.

Existence Erasure: Can erase other beings from existence.

Flight: Possesses six wings and can fly through different dimensions.

Holy White Light: Can emit a holy white light that can obliterate powerful demons.

Hydrokinesis: Can manipulate water and create natural phenomena like tsunamis.

Incorporeality: True form is completely incorporeal, exempt from physical and supernatural harm.

Matter Manipulation: Can manipulate matter, deconstruct objects, and create matter from virtual nothingness.

Mind Manipulation: Can manipulate the minds of beings.

Near-Indestructibility: Body is indestructible and immune to conventional harm.

Nigh-Omnipotence: Has near-omnipotent power, surpassing other archangels.

Nigh-Omniscient: Possesses extensive knowledge, close to being omniscient.

Omni (Absolute) Senses: Senses infinitely transcend those of humans.

Purification: Can rip sin from mortal beings' hearts and redeem demons.

Pyrokinesis: Can manipulate fire, including supernatural holy fire.

Reality Warping: Can warp reality at a near-omnipotent level.

Resurrection: Can resurrect any being from the dead.

Specific Anti-Dark and Anti-Demon Powers: Can repel demonic forces and kill powerful demons.

Superhuman Strength and Speed: Possesses superhuman strength and speed far surpassing mortal and angelic beings.

Telekinesis: Can move objects with kinetic energy.

Power Granting and Negating: Can grant or strip beings of their powers.

Transcendental Existence: Is above every primal and platonic concept or primordial power.

Teleportation: Can teleport anywhere in existence.

Terrakinesis: Can control the Earth and cause earthquakes.

Weather Manipulation: Theoretically can change the weather.

Virtue Inducement: Can inspire good in people.


Characters God | Michael | Gabriel | Raphael | Uriel | Lucifer
Species Angels | Deities | Humans | Demons | Saints
Ranks Angel | Archangel | Cherubim | Erelim | Guardian Angel | Hashmallim | Hayot Ha Kodesh | Heavenly host | Ishim | Ophanim | Powers | Seraphim | Thrones | Watcher
Locations Earth | Heaven | Hell
Topics War in Heaven